Douglas Cook

From first time investors to experienced entrepreneurs, meet the Pawprint investors

6 min Read
Pawprint investor James Watt, Captain of Brewdog in a brewery

Through crowdfunding, our aim was to be inclusive and build a passionate community as committed to reducing the carbon footprint of millions as we are. We’ve loved seeing so many people join us, from seasoned investors and entrepreneurs to first time investors.  We wanted to introduce some of them and hear their stories about why they invested in Pawprint.

Pawprint is an excellent idea, at a vital time, started by proven entrepreneurs. That's a great startup combo and one I'm happy to back and help wherever I can. The more great businesses that address our critical problems, the more likely it is we'll start to make a difference.

 Tom Savage, portfolio entrepreneur. Tom is most recently founder of Brilliant Ethiopia.

I heard about you from my brother Thom. I’ve never invested in anything before. I’ve always been interested in the environment and see small changes as having a cascade effect but get that some people don’t see it that way.  When I changed to an EV car, the only aspect people were interested in is how much money do you save? For me, just knowing I am reducing the pollution on a daily basis makes me feel happier and as a teacher introducing an EV car to the school community raises awareness and interest. The bigger picture is that making individual small changes creates waves of change. I’ve only invested a tiny amount but that tiny amount can help produce big changes.

Sheila Bottomley, first time investor. Thanks for choosing us for your first investment Sheila!

James Watt, Captain of Brewdog. It’s great to have successful business people like James onboard, and our founder Christian is especially happy to have investors from his neck of the woods in North East Scotland!

As soon as I was introduced to Christian and to Pawprint I was excited to make a personal investment.  The idea of a digital start-up with the ambition to reduce the environmental impact of potentially millions of people is just so timely, targeted and ambitious.  I particularly loved the idea of doing this through gamifying, encouraging, cajoling and incentives.  Simply railing against established lifestyles won’t get us very far.  Pawprint has at least a chance of getting people to voluntarily re-order their priorities to create a more sustainable world, and to feel like they’re part of a community with a common set of values.  Such a community could sit right at the centre of a sustainable ecosystem of customers, service providers and manufacturers who live to those values.

Stuart Dunbar, Partner at Edinburgh-based investment firm Baillie Gifford, investing in Pawprint in a personal capacity.

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I'm excited to invest in Pawprint and can't wait to use the app. Like all of us, trying to do my bit for the environment has been something much more on my mind over the last few years. I think most people want to consume products and services more responsibly, but it can be hard to make decisions without the data. Having an app which measures my carbon footprint, all in one place, will hopefully encourage me and others to do even more to understand the environmental impact of our decisions. Another reason I invested is that Pawprint has a great team working on solving this problem.

Sam Poullain. Not only is Sam a friend and investor in Pawprint, but heads up the social team at one of the UK’s biggest crowdfunding success stories, Freetrade.

Hugh Little shared with us this video about why investing in Pawprint is not just important for him but his family. It’s great to have someone of Hugh’s calibre on board.

As a first-time investor, I decided to take part in the Pawprint crowdfunding because I feel very strongly about the climate change crisis we are all facing today, and feel that this app is such a brilliant way to get people involved in reducing our carbon footprints in the hope of a better future for the generations to come. Not only is climate change affecting the world we live in today on a massive scale, but it is also a real threat for the future and this is why I feel so strongly about taking action now. Any contribution counts, whether that be cutting down on using cars, reducing our meat consumption, or cycling and walking more as a means of travel. Anything we can actively do as a society counts!    

Being a mother, it is also especially important for me to educate my children on the effects our carbon footprints have on climate change. My ten-year-old daughter Louanne was fascinated by Pawprint’s concept, especially Bjorn the bear! After showing her the idea she decided she wanted to donate some of her pocket money to this cause – completely off her own back.  She is especially focused on the impact of climate change on endangered species, she is a total animal fanatic!

Sharon Le Goff, and of course her daughter Louanne. Thanks so much to you both for making it a double first time investment.

Scott McCulloch, co-founder of TheVeganKind. Scott and TheVeganKind are not only doing their bit to help millions reduce their impact, through a plant based diet, they are also a fellow crowdfunding success story.

I was immediately drawn to the concept of Pawprint. I'm busy, juggling many things and struggle for headspace to think about how to be a better eco-citizen. Pawprint (and Bjorn) as my friendly guide to pragmatic eco-friendly lifestyle and buying decisions is tremendously appealing. The team is high quality, and if anyone has a shot at changing behaviour on a massive scale then it is them.

Jack Waley-Cohen, co-founder of What3Words. Jack is not just an investor but host of the Pawprint pub quiz! Keep an eye on our social channels for the next one.

I was excited to be able to support an Edinburgh start-up that is tackling such an important issue. Pawprint is creating an accessible and powerful movement, and I wanted to be part of it straight away! I can’t wait to try the app and discover new ways I can contribute to fighting the climate crisis.

Sophie Harpur, Co-host of Eco Worriers Club Podcast. Big thanks to Sophie, and it goes without saying, check out the podcast!

Some like Phil Sturgeon were straight to the point in recommending us to others, we like your style Phil!

Thanks to all of you who have chosen to invest!

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