Saving Coventry Building Society 1,500 tonnes of employee emissions with our Scope 3 Survey

As part of their B Corp commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, Coventry Building Society, a leading UK based building society, recognised the opportunity and the need to better understand and support their large workforce while cutting down on carbon emissions. We ran our Scope 3 Survey with them, and what transpired was truly inspirational...

The story...

CBS were embryonic in their sustainability journey when they came to Pawprint.

Sophie, Manjur, Anna and other eco-champions at CBS knew they needed to reduce emissions but they didn’t know where to begin or how.

They also realised that becoming a B Corp was an integral sustainability milestone the business needed to achieve.

CBS’s eco-champions scrutinised elements of their current operation such as their supply chain, products, and services.

The challenge...

What they uncovered was that the majority of their emissions were hiding in Scope 3, more specifically, Scope 3.7 which includes employee commuting (incl. working from home). 

Their challenge was twofold: 

1. Understand and reduce Scope 3.7 emissions to meet net zero targets and achieve B Corp status, and

2. Engage and motivate a workforce of over 3,000 employees.

They were up for the task!

"We benefited from invaluable support from yourselves, which made stakeholder buy-in for the survey an easy process.

Manjur, Senior Analyst

The solution...

We ran our Scope 3 Survey for 6 weeks with CBS. 

We allowed CBS to gather data on crucial elements such as employee working habits, company equipment, energy usage, and transportation. 

CBS met our minimum engagement threshold of 10% along with onboarding an additional 195 users during this period.

Once the survey finished, we provided actionable insights to help them reduce carbon emissions and understand Scope 3.7 a bit more holistically. 

It worked!

What the Scope 3 Survey uncovered...

Our Scope 3 Survey uncovered a minimum of five-figure annual financial savings  for CBS in the realm of Scope 3.7 emissions.

A majority of employees felt it was expected by employers to support WFH emissions.

Most employees heat their homes via gas rather than by electric or “smart” methods.

"Our sustainability journey was very easily facilitated by yourselves..."

Manjur, Senior Analyst

Coventry Building Society wanted to...

Smash their B Corp application with Scope 3 insights and data

Provide actionable insights to reduce employee related emissions

Engage their workforce of over 3,000 employees

Understand emissions to support their B Corp application

The impact after our sprint...

CBS included working style insights and implementation suggestions  from the survey in their B Corp Impact Assessment.

CBS partnered with Tado, a smart thermostat, to better support employees working from home.

Our survey insights helped improve WFH policies, leading to a reduction plan of a 1,500 tonnes of carbon next year.

Ready to take the next step?

Talk to our team

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